Jumia Prime
Jumia Prime
Jumia Prime members benefits from free delivery on their Jumia orders (Jumia Mall and Jumia Food), on top off exclusive offers for Jumia Prime.
Jumia Prime is a loyalty programme that entitles its members to free delivery on Jumia orders and to access other exclusive promotions, rewards and benefits.
Save more by subscribing to Jumia Prime!
- Free Delivery on Jumia orders: Order all local, tech and fashion items and pay nothing on shipping fees.
- Free Delivery on Jumia Food: Try hundreds of different restaurants, delivered to your doorstep for free.
- Early Access to Exclusive Deals: Jumia Prime members get early access to exclusive deals.
How does it work?
- Subscribe to any of the Jumia Prime products.
- You will receive an email confirmation. Your subscription will be activated immediately.
- Enjoy your free delivery service.
- Your discount will be displayed and substracted from your "Total to pay".